

An incredible day spent in the breathtaking backdrop of Tulum, Mexico, where Crystal and Derek celebrated their love with their families and friends. Capturing their exquisite beachside wedding amidst the sounds of mariachi music, Caribbean cocktails, and the gentle waves was nothing short of extraordinary.

Crystal and Derek, from California, first crossed paths in Mykonos, so it was only fitting that the sea played a pivotal role on their wedding day. Following the shoreline ceremony, an unforgettable party kicked off, with everyone reveling in the festivities, including us: videographers and photographers.
Speaking of which, it was a true pleasure for me to collaborate with the talented and dedicated photographer: Sebastian Bravo!

I can’t express enough gratitude to Crystal and Derek, not just for entrusting me to capture such a momentous occasion in their lives but also for allowing me to witness the warmth and sweetness that defines them. May you continue to hold hands and never let go!

Photos courtesy Sebastian Bravo | Arte Visual – AVMF

James and Kerri traveled all the way from UK to have their wedding in Tuscany, at the gorgeous “Villa Il Pozzo” in Certaldo. A magic place surrounded by hills and vineyards.

The ambiance exuded tranquility and relaxation, with both bride and groom reveling in the joy shared with theirfamily and friends.

Everything was perfect planned by Claudia Corsi Wedding Planner and this made the experience so good for James and Kerri and for us videographers and photographers.
In this occasion I had the honor to work with the talentuos photographer Emily. It’s always the best when you work with such professionals of the wedding.

We feel blessed that we shared all those moments of laughter and tears and love. Mostly love. The night found everyone partying, celebrating the union of these two star-crossed lovers.

Photos courtesy Emily Santoro


We found ourselves in the heart of Umbria, very close to Assisi, for the exquisite wedding of Joris and Ximena. These two remarkable individuals, so romantics, graced us with the honor and pleasure of their presence on their special day.

Villamena, a charming and intimate venue, offered a breathtaking view of the enchanting hills of Umbria. Despite our initial concerns about the weather, we were fortunate enough to conduct the ceremony outdoors.

The ceremony was profoundly moving, and the emotions etched on the faces of their family and friends, who had gathered from the Netherlands, the US, and Mexico, were palpable.

This experience was nothing short of extraordinary, and it was elevated even further by the seamless collaboration with a team of outstanding professionals. Surrounded by love and incredible people, I was truly at ease throughout the day.


Photos courtesy Luciana Ciuffini

What comes after “I do.” What awaits you in your journey together? Do you picture yourselves as happy and passionate as that very first day?

Marriage marks the beginning of something that should last an eternity—an idea so profound it defies rationality. This Valentine’s Day, we’ve chosen to celebrate love with a couple’s shoot, offering a glimpse into life after the wedding through photos and a video.

This couple, who have been married for seven wonderful months and whose lives are brimming with love. Their love story began with a spark, and that spark still burns brightly, fueling their passion, just as it did when they first fell in love.

We strolled through the cherished memories of their wedding day. Over cups of hot tea, we discussed their shared passions, like reading by the fireplace and their mutual love for bicycles. All of this unfolded amidst tender, intimate moments and a romantic dinner thoughtfully prepared and decorated by La Sposa degli Alberi.

Their journey together stretches out before them, and we’ve had the privilege of embarking on a small part of it, capturing it to the best of our ability in this couple’s shoot. Everything flowed effortlessly and naturally. A tightly knit couple, still experience the butterflies in their stomachs and keep the flame of passion alive.

In the language of love, French, we hear:

La courbe de tes yeux fait le tour de mon cœur,
un rond de danse et de douceur,
auréole du temps, berceau nocturne et sûr.

Mon Arlequin, mon Aventurier, ma Nuit,
mon bonheur, ma passion.

Ailes couvrant le monde de lumière, bateaux
chargés du ciel et de la mer,
chasseurs des bruits et sources des couleurs,
parfums éclos d’une couvée d’aurores
qui gît toujours sur la paille des astres.

Le rire s’est tu, les mots ne sont plus –
et plus près, plus profond, plus tendre,
plus ardent – et puis cette tout à fait
insoutenable volupté, que tu
sais si merveilleusement, si savamment prolonger.

Comme le jour dépend de l’innocence
le monde entier dépend de tes yeux purs
dans leurs regards.

Photos courtesy Francesco Galdieri

Tom, an astrophysicist, and Elisa found a unique connection with the star Albireo, a binary system, symbolizing their love as it mirrors the eternal dance of two stars—one small and one large, one orange and the other blue.

Both of them wished to commemorate their union with a ceremony that resonated with the natural world and the cosmos. Alongside La Sposa degli Aberi, they meticulously selected a location for their civil ceremony, customizing it to their needs. Ultimately, they settled on a spot framed by ancient oak trees and set against the backdrop of a breathtaking olive grove.

The day began with a touch of rain and gusty winds but graced them with brilliant sunshine and a magical sunset, allowing their entire event to unfold outdoors, just as they had envisioned.
Their wedding luncheon unfolded amidst the olive trees, in perfect harmony with the natural wedding spirit that Elisa and Tom had envisioned.

Revisiting the wedding film of this natural wedding always fills us with the same excitement we felt that day. From the heartfelt speeches delivered by both the bride and groom and their guests, to the melodious tunes sung by Tom and the choir formed of close friends, and the unexpected Backstreet Boys-themed flash mob, the day culminated in a spine-tingling rendition of Franco Battiato’s “La Cura” by Tom. This song has now become forever entwined with their memory, and whenever it graces our ears, we are transported back to those unforgettable moments.

Photos courtesy Francesco Galdieri

I had the privilege of capturing João’s romantic proposal to Carolina in Rome. This lovely Portuguese couple, who were visiting Rome in September, began their enchanting love story nine years ago when they fell for each other while attending classes at the same university – a real-life fairytale.

João and Carolina are both incredibly warm and tender-hearted, sharing a profound passion for travel. It was this very love for exploration that inspired João to choose the Colosseum as the backdrop for his marriage proposal.

Leading up to the Rome proposal, João and I engaged in an intense email correspondence. I understand the importance of building a personal connection with my clients that transcends the professional, and João was understandably nervous about orchestrating this unforgettable surprise. We worked closely together to ensure every detail was perfect: from selecting the ideal location and timing for capturing unforgettable video moments post-proposal to planning a flawless surprise that would catch Carolina completely off guard. We exchanged messages right up until the last moment, leveraging the power of technology to make it all seamless. We even offered advice on what they should wear for this special day.

Carolina’s reaction was nothing short of heartwarming. Her boundless love for João shone brightly through her eyes as he held her in his protective embrace. João, himself, was left utterly speechless, finding solace in the warmth of their embrace.

This was a heartwarming afternoon, and the emotions of that moment continue to resonate with me each time I revisit the video. I poured my heart into creating these memories that will be cherished for a lifetime.

Photos courtesy Francesco Galdieri

When I reflect on Claudia and Pascal, I’m reminded of their smiles, the sheer joy in their eyes, and the remarkable positivity and optimism that define them. Despite residing in Paris, our first in-person encounter took place on their wedding day, yet it felt as though we’d been lifelong friends.

The preparations unfolded at a hotel not far from the venue, while both the religious ceremony and the reception were hosted at Casale di Polline, an enchanting Italian wedding venue overlooking the serene Bracciano Lake, just a few kilometers from Rome.

Claudia and Pascal’s wedding was a true celebration of music. To begin with, the Catholic ceremony was conducted outdoors at the small chapel adjacent to the estate, an uncommon occurrence in Italy. The officiant, someone deeply cherished by the bride and groom, presided over a profoundly moving and inspirational Mass, a stark departure from the sometimes mundane and impersonal ceremonies I’ve witnessed. The ceremony was further enriched by a choir composed of friends and colleagues of the couple, who sang with remarkable passion, hinting at the musical theme of the wedding.

Given Claudia’s background as a stage and musical actress, with Pascal frequently accompanying her in various projects, it’s no surprise that music played a central role in the festivities. Alongside Claudia’s colleagues, we were treated to a delightful flash mob performed in both Italian and French, which brought tears to our bride’s eyes. And, of course, a mini-concert by the musical ensemble in which both Claudia and Pascal are members—the Woodlight! Do check them out on Spotify; they are truly exceptional!

One last precious memory from this extraordinary music-themed wedding that I’m delighted to share is that Claudia was expecting baby Luce, which translates to “Light” in Italian. With this additional detail in mind, the video emotion take on a whole new meaning.

Photos courtesy Francesco Galdieri

I’m always elated when I have the opportunity to provide my videography service in a foreign country. Being avid travelers, combining my love for exploring with my dream job is nothing short of extraordinary.

This time, my journey led me to Mexico, a land of Mariachi music, spicy cuisine, pristine beaches, Mayan pyramids, and an explosion of colors! The vibrant hues that paint the cities of San Miguel de Allende and Guanajuato make them perfect settings for an engagement video shoot.

In these captivating locales, Luis chose to propose to Marcela, two Northern Mexico natives utterly enamored with the vibrant culture and traditions of Central Mexico. Their connection was palpable.

Luis and Marcela entrusted me to capture this monumental moment in both photos and video. After collaborating with Luis, we decided that the proposal would be even more enchanting if it took place on Calle Aldama, a street that ranks among the most beautiful in the world and is the epitome of Mexican charm. This picturesque avenue boasts not only the characteristic Mexican colors but also the stunning backdrop of the Parish of San Miguel Arcangel, a church that resembles a majestic wedding cake.

San Miguel de Allende is a place that effortlessly lends itself to creating breathtaking visuals. It’s no surprise that this city is a UNESCO heritage site and also found its place in the list of Pueblos Mágicos, a collection of the most mystical and enchanting locations in Mexico. We explored various corners, utilizing striking yellow and red contrasts, or capturing moments against walls adorned with seasonal flowers. And, of course, we couldn’t miss the opportunity to film them in front of a massive cactus, an iconic symbol of Mexico.

Engagement shoots are increasingly sought after by couples, and I’m genuinely delighted about it. These sessions offer a more relaxed and personalized way to tell a love story before the wedding. Couples have the freedom to choose their settings, clothing, and other elements that reflect their unique personalities and vision. These sessions allow us to build rapport and eradicate any potential camera shyness, ensuring that couples feel entirely at ease on their wedding day.

The video unfolds with a close-up of Marcela with her eyes closed against a soft pink backdrop, symbolizing femininity, while a gentle breeze tousles her hair. To set the stage, there’s a quick montage of iconic Mexican imagery accompanied by the unmistakable soundtrack of Mariachi music. The video goes on to introduce Luis.

The narrative continues with a vivid portrayal of Guanajuato and San Miguel de Allende, playing with shadows and light. Two birds take flight as Marcela and Luis initially walk separately through the city streets, each with their gaze turned toward the camera. As their journey progresses, they slowly draw closer, finally walking side by side. Marcela opens her eyes, blurring the lines between dream and reality.

In this video, I’ve shared a love story, a dream turned into reality, in a place that truly embodies the spirit of Mexico. If you enjoyed the video, perhaps you should consider getting married in San Miguel de Allende?

Lavinia and Marco’s love story could easily rival the plot of a novel or a blockbuster movie. Their paths seemed to almost cross in time and space on multiple occasions until they finally encountered each other in the vibrant city of Barcelona, during an electronic music concert. From that pivotal moment onwards, they’ve been inseparable, even when their love had to endure the trials of long-distance.

Lavinia’s innate optimism and outgoing nature have beautifully complemented Marco’s serious and introverted disposition, creating a dynamic and harmonious partnership where they support each other through life’s challenges.

Their journey took a significant turn when little Matilda entered the scene, bringing with her the unique and transformative changes only a child can bring. From the initial euphoria to the inevitable moments of self-doubt and growth, they navigated the joys and challenges of parenthood together. It’s an experience that, as a parent myself, I can attest is far from easy but incredibly rewarding and ever-evolving.

The culmination of their beautiful story took place in the stunning setting of San Giusto Abbey in Italy. This historical location, with roots dating back to the 10th century when it was a simple Benedictine parish church, provided the perfect backdrop for their wedding. The restored monastery, with its rich history, offered a splendid venue for their celebration.

Lavinia prepared for the big day in the spacious room on the second floor, illuminated by the slender windows typical of the era, creating enchanting interplays of light and shadow that we skillfully incorporated into the video. Meanwhile, Marco readied himself in the monastery tower, climbing the narrow steps to rooms filled with light yet retaining a captivating ambiance, tastefully furnished to maintain a sense of history. The ancient church served as the backdrop for their heartwarming ceremony, while the inner courtyard welcomed their guests for the reception.

The outdoor spaces of the abbey also played a crucial role in their celebration, with the expansive lawn serving as the venue for the aperitifs and desserts, and the panoramic terrace providing a breathtaking backdrop for the cake-cutting.

Their wedding was a celebration marked by simplicity and elegance, characterized by heartfelt moments shared not only between the newlyweds but also with their cherished guests, who enthusiastically joined in celebrating Lavinia and Marco’s union.

Photos courtesy Francesco Galdieri


Imagine a love story that transcends borders, cultures, and even the boundaries of reality itself. Zak, a Sicilian native, and Lily, an Armenian, discovered their love story amidst the bustling streets of London. Their journey led them to a place where dreams blend seamlessly with reality – the magnificent Mount Etna in Sicily.

In this breathtaking video of their wedding day, set against the mesmerizing backdrop of the Etna, we are invited to witness a love story that defies the ordinary. The video captures moments that make you question whether it’s a dream or reality, as the couple’s love radiates like the fiery heart of the volcano itself.

The Etna, known for its awe-inspiring beauty and power, sets the stage for this love story that unfolds like a dream. You can’t help but be captivated by the ethereal atmosphere, where the lines between the tangible and the surreal blur.

The video showcases the raw and unbridled passion between the couple, a love that ignited in London but found its eternal flame amidst the volcanic landscapes of Sicily. Their journey, filled with moments of tenderness, laughter, and awe, is a testament to the power of love that can overcome any obstacles, even those as imposing as a volcano.

From the magnificent Etna as their witness to the dreamy love, Zak and Lily’s video is a visual masterpiece that leaves you wondering: Is this a dream, or is it reality? The answer, perhaps, lies in the extraordinary power of love, which can turn even the most surreal dreams into beautiful and everlasting realities.

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